Friday, 30 August 2013


There is always a right way to think. If you don,t think right, you will never do it right and if you you don,t do it right, you will never get it right.
Have you been battling with wrong thought not knowing how to do away with it. Well here are some things that could help. Until the way you think changes, you will never change "for as he thinketh in his heart so is he" proverbs 23v7. Infact our thinking capacity really matters alot in our success in life,
a wise man said, "becarful what you think for you will soon have it" In life, you automatically becomes what you think, because its the mind that controls every other sense organ of the body. Hear this, "what a man thinks of himself, that is which determines or indicates his fate" David Thorean. Also , "its your minds worth that will make the world to mind you" so take control of your mind. And think right.
1) Desire
you must desire to think right. What you don,t desire, you don,t deserve. Proverb28v1.
2)Be born again 2cor5v17. When you give your life to Jesus and make him lord over your life, God take over your life.
3) Read, study and meditate on the word of God. Joshua1v8.
4) See yourself in the mirror of God's word. Don,t allow people's opinion affect your mind and mood. Have faith .
5)Avoid negative people, places and talks. Stay with positive and faith-talk people. Stay with people that appreciate you and add value to your life. You don,t need a dozen of friends to have a friend, you just need a friend that is worth a dozen of friends
6) Read good and anointed books and keep right company. As a wise man will say, "we will be the same except for the books we read and the company we keep"
7)Be open to laughter and humor. Prov17v22.
8) Trust no man. Put your trust only on God. Man will always disappiont, even your daddy.
9)Never keep your mind empty as its said "a empty mind is the devil's workshop. So pray, play, read, meditate. Give no room for negativity. Anytime they come, cast it out and speak it loud. EPH10v5.
10) practice positive self-talk.
The American heart association discussed the important of self-talk, either loud or simply on your mind. Be quick to identify negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
Goodluck. Hope this help. Like us on activators drivers.

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