The world is full of different kinds of people with their different views, opinions, strategies, and gift and what have you..
Here i will be sharing with you the three major kind of people in the world today.
And i will be taking my text from the gospel of John chapter 5 verse 1-9.
The Holy bible is the manual of our daily lives and as well our foundational base in life. It was given by the inspiration of the Almighty God for our reproof, correction and instruction that you and i may be made perfect unto all good works 2tim3:16-17
The bible also is the word of God which happens to be the wisdom of God, and they contain the secrets of God which is been reveal to the sons of God on a daily basis mark 4:11, through the help of the holy spirit.
"Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market" The world is a market place, some are selling , some are buying, some are stand by observers., some are going (dead) while some are coming ( birth) but the thing is it just getting busy and interesting everyday.
"...Having five porches.." The sellers, The buyers, The helpers, The escorts and the viewers
"In this lay a great multitude of impotent folk" Maybe you don't know about this before, Every one man out there has at least one problem or the other is facing at the moment, circumstances arise everyday. many are buffeted afflicted and battered and that's why i will always say, "we all need help" and that is why we go to church to seek help and deliverance from God, psalm34:19. you don,t have to be blind to know you are sick, poverty is a sickness, ignorance is a greater sickness, so in this market(the world) lay a great multitude of impotent folk.
"Waiting for the moving of the water" In Gen 1:2-3, the bible recorded that the earth was without form and void even after creation, and the spirit of God move upon the face of the water and God said.. the spirit always go before the word comes. The water here symbolize the word of God john 4v4. and it takes the spirit of God to move it for it to become effective 2cor3:6b, don't forget it is the spirit of God that gathered it, Isaiah34:16. it is the movement of the spirit of God in the water( the word of God ) that causes the change. man is a spirit being remember, but to be carnally minded is dead. we must always be in the spirit to get the things of the spirit. you can only be in the spirit to hear from God. Rev1v10
1)"for an angel went down at a certain season into the pool to troubled the water" this is the first kind of people... the spirit-filled, the word full, the ones that troubled the word of God(the water) they are the ones with the ideas because they are the ones the secret is reveal to, because they search...inspiration and ideas drops from heaven on them
2)"whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in water was made whole" The bandwagon or first-timers, the front liners. There are the set of people that immediately the water is been troubled, they jump in, immediately the idea comes, they jump in and follow suit and they benefit greatly from it. for example, someone inverted a mobile phone, today we have so many companies manufacturing phones and they are doing well, applying their own technique and strategies by the idea of one man others benefited
3)"And a certain man was there , which had an infirmity of thirty eight years" This are the set of people i called the well-wishers, the waiters. " If wishes were horses, beggars will ride"
This man has waited for thirty eight solid years, just two years left for him to enter into the stage of foolishness, he was wasting without knowing, if not that Jesus appeared. this are the set of people that are scared of taking responsibilities, they are always on the receiving side, always expecting everything. they complaint about anything, murmuring and always looking for who to put blames on and who to help them, or some manner to drop from above for them, it doesn't work that way. yes bible says we should wait, but waiting without working is wasting without knowing.
Now hear what this man said when Jesus ask him " sir i have no man,,," you don,t need any man, you need God. "woe to them.." Isaiah 31v1, if you put your trust in man, you will die for free, people are too busy worrying about themselves and their own problems. some may help but you will have to wait for long. Stop waiting and start working. how i wish Jesus didn't come, this man would have wasted his entire life on earth.
Now that you have know this friends, where do you belong, among the spirit-filled, the bandwagon or the well wishers? retrace your step and take a step. life is a race, don,t just run, run to win.
thanks for reading this.........................................