Sunday, 5 November 2017

God Doesn't Make Junk

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Have you ever felt like your life was a mistake? 
Have your parents or pal told you they wish you were never born? 
They called you "good for nothing", saying you will never amount to anything in life?
Are you a product of a disaster-broken home or rape? 
Are you been oppressed or feeling depressed? Frustrated and rejected?
Or suffering from an inferiority complex?
Is it the level of your education or the socioeconomic status of your family?
Everybody hates you, life is tough, the economy is bad, the environment is corrupt, nothing is really working even after all your efforts. You are about to turn in and throw in the towel. You want to accept the status quo and settle for the norms?
I have good news for you. Being there and got back. Truth is;
You were not created to be a mediocre. You were created to be exceptional. To stand out, to take the lead, to be a trailblazer and a pathfinder.
Discover HOW in this book
And begin to live exceptionally!

" My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
Hosea 4:6.
Knowledge is power.

By the help and inspiration of God, I was able to unveil the hidden powers of the redeemed man that if activated will make a star of any irrespective of their present status.
They are the very same truths that all the men and women in scriptures that ever succeeded irrespective of their present status applied. Also, through careful studies and research, men and women of our times have also find this truths to be relevant and accurate, and having applied them have gotten greater results.
It includes;
>8 hidden powers of the redeemed man that can make it impossible to fail,
>Understanding and dealing with challenges
>Exposing satanic tricks.

To get a copy of the book: God Doesn't Make Junk: 8 infallible proofs why its impossible to fail and discover the hidden powers of the redeemed man,
Pay #1000 into Access Bank PLC
Account name: Uwak Joseph Uwak
Account no: 0036370128
Then send your payment details to
09071447959 or call or
Or for comfirmation
And a copy of it will be sent to you immediately
via the email you will be providing us with

Cheers to the beginning of an exceptional life!

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

10 Limiting Beliefs About Money, How to change them and cultivate the right beliefs.

Your beliefs about money are a key element in determining how much money you’ll be able to make, and how much of that money you’ll be able to keep.
Here are 10 limiting beliefs about money and how to change them.

1. Money is the root of all evil. 
Money is not the root of all evil the love of money is. All the same, is there any one that doesn't love money? The love of money is the root of all evil not the fruit. But, you can be rich and still be righteous. You can be poor and still be evil.
Money is just a neutral medium that follows along with how you use it. It is your responsibility to make the best out of it. One of the rich formula is the abilty to subdue money. You must learn to subdue money, to control it and not let it control you. That's where attitude comes in. Use money and don't let money use you.

2. Money is not that important. It’s only money.

This limiting belief about money expresses that you don’t take money seriously enough. It’s not one of your priorities. But this is the exact reason why you haven’t achieved a satisfying situation with your money yet.
Treat money with respect and give it the time it deserves. Then “it” will respect you.
Money is good. It is important. Without money, daily survival — not to mention further development — is impossible. So we are not even questioning its importance. At the same time, it is wrong to consider money a god or a substance endowed with some power of its own. To think that money is everything, and that just by having lots of it all our problems will be solved is a serious mistake
" answerest all things"
So stop justifying your inability to make money and start making money.

3. Money is there to be spend.
This belief comes from not understanding that in order to create financial abundance you actually have to save money. If you spend all the money you earn, instead of saving and investing it, you will never create the financial abundance that you could have.Spending money on nice things has its place, you should enjoy your lifestyle. But don’t overdo it. You have to make sure to get into the habit of saving and investing money.
4. Money is hereditary. You have to be born rich or into a rich family to be rich.
Many believes to be rich, you have to be born rich or born into a wealthy home and since they were not, it means they were not destined to be rich. That's a limiting belief. We create our lives. prosperity is a choice. You choose your properity as well as your poverty.
So take responsibility for your own life and learn to improve your financial life today.
The “poor dad” mentality states that your wealth depends on your family of origin: to be rich, you have to be born rich.  “Rich dad” espoused the view that being rich or poor is something that you learn. When you have the right belief system and you acquire the necessary knowledge on how to create, build, and protect wealth, you will become rich even if you were not born into a wealthy family.

5. You have to work (too) hard to get wealthy
You don’t get wealthy by working hard (only), you get wealthy by doing the right things. And it all starts with adopting the right mindset towards money.
And one part of it is to look for the smart way to get wealthy. Not in a sense of looking for a quick fix or doing questionable things, but by understanding the rich formula and applying them.
This means understanding how you can create real and lasting value for others and then offering it for a good price. This is true weather you are a business-owner, self-employed or employed.
6. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
 This is really a big excuse. It is especially an disempowering belief because it gives away your responsibility to care for your money situation. And whenever you give up responsibility you also lose power and influence over your life. Your financial reality is entirely up to you and
Everything you need to create financial abundance is already inside you.
7. I am supposed to be made rich (by my parents, government, society,  etc)
This is what I called the entitlement mentality. These set of people depends on others to be rich and when that doesn't doesnt happen they blame everybody for it except themselves. Nobody owe you anything. Not your parents, not the govenment. prosperity is your responsibility.

8. It takes money to make money.
This phrase is limiting at best and destructive at worst. The truth is you have to have great ideas that solve problems to make money. If you do, you will attract money like a magnet. Wealthy investors are always on the lookout for the next big investment they can sink their teeth into.
Rich dad said "You don't need money to make money, what you need is words and the good news is, words are free"
So, you dont need money to make money, you need ideas, you need a job, you need words, you need skills, can use other peoples money, etc.
9. More money more problems.
Another myth among the masses is the idea that millionaires are workaholics overloaded with so many problems they don’t have time to enjoy life. This is another excuse the middle class uses to justify being broke. It’s as if they’re looking for a reason to avoid success by making it seem unattractive. The truth is the more money you have, the more control you have over every aspect of your life. The more money you have, the fewer problems you have to personally address. While the masses are staying up at night worrying about their problems, millionaire are fast asleep knowing everything will be taken care of.
When it comes to money, the best advice is to always look at it from a consciousness of freedom, possibility, opportunity and abundance. Never look at money from a fear and scarcity point of view.

10. Money is not for people like me. I don't deserve to be rich. I don't have what it takes. 
We all deserve money, we all deserve to be rich. You have to educate yourself about money. Study money. Then  improvements will follow naturally.

How to change your beleief system
 Step 1: Write the limiting belief down. 
Play detective and follow your thoughts and emotions to discover the limiting beliefs that hold you back. Put them on paper and stare them in the face! You might note how strong each belief is and what emotions they elicit in you.
Step 2: Acknowledge that these are beliefs, not truths! 
This is often the hardest step. “But, but, my limitations are real!” Here’s the place where choice comes in. Which are you more interested in: defending your limitations to the death or achieving your goals and desires? As author Evelyn Waugh wrote, “When we argue for our limitations, we get to keep them.” You choose.
Step 3: Try on a different belief. 
Use your imagination and try on a belief that is aligned with what you want. It might be something like, “My financial difficulties in the past have taught me so much that I’m fully prepared to handle them now!” Or, “Now that I’ve been in an unhealthy relationship I’ve learned what to look for in a happy, loving partner!”
Step 4: Take different action. 
This might feel scary, but act as if your new belief is true. In other words, if you really are the kind of man women adore, how would you act at parties? Who might you ask out? If you really are capable and have learned a tremendous amount from past financial difficulties, what steps would you take?  If you really are the kind of person who eats healthy food, what will you put in your grocery cart?

Saturday, 15 October 2016


What does it mean to have an unshakable belief in yourself?

It means you choose to have a winning attitude. You force your mind to see the positive opportunity in every experience, negative or positive. As you look at your core beliefs about yourself, you will see those beliefs reflected back to you in every area of life from finances, reputation, success and love. People with an unshakable belief in who they are focus their minds on opportunities, the bigger
picture, patience, resilience, and achieving.
They strive to feel deeply happy and satisfied in their lives. People with
winning attitudes deeply believe everything they set their mind to is something they can achieve.

1. Think positive.
Each of us has the power to choose and to direct our thoughts in any direction we want. Thinking optimistically keeps life flowing forward in the direction of our thoughts because our actions naturally follow our thoughts. For positive thinking to work we cannot passively think and
expect miracles. We have to back our thinking with hard work, follow through and determination. We are all destined for success and can all get there if we believe we can. We have to put action behind our beliefs, and add a touch a patience to our perseverance. Many people become
impatient when their positive thinking doesn’t immediately manifest success. That is because positive thinking, not
backed by hard work, reduces positive thoughts to a wish.

2. Goal-digger.
To develop a winning attitude we must experience winning.
For this reason we need to create agendas backed by achievable goals set with target dates for their achievement.
My amazing business coach Dr. Dave White tells me we overestimate what we can achieve in a year, but largely
underestimate what we can achieve in five years. In our sessions we goal set, explore, plan and achieve something each week. Small achievable goals motivate and inspire us towards our larger goals. Each goal achieved builds confidence and makes the journey towards success

3. Be a 'passionator'.
To be successful in all areas of life, we have to love what we do. Waking up to a career we feel no passion for will not
provide well for us emotionally, even if it provides for us financially. The growth we can experience, personally and financially will be limited when we feel we are just going through the motions to make money. The greatest successes love what they do, and know that what they do spans larger than their own self-interest. It is when we see that what we do makes a positive, and significant difference in the lives of others that we most want to jump out of bed in the morning.

4. Gracious.
When we live with grace instead of entitlement we do not expect anyone to do the hard work for us. We do all we can
to propel our success forward. We are not afraid of the hard work required of us to succeed. No one owes us anything.
There is nothing more career crushing than an entitled person. They are poor relationship builders, self-centered,
tend of bully and are some of the biggest complainers in the corporate world. We must have patience, be gracious, help
others, and ask for help when we need it. We must commit to working hard, being thankful and accepting that things
are often unfair. We accept if there are goals to be achieved,
we must depend upon ourselves to get them done.

5. Keep good company.
We are a direct reflection of the company we keep.
Emotions and attitudes are contagious. For this reason we should make it a point to avoid, or largely decrease, the
interactions we have with people who are jealous, overtly negative, defeatist or who gossip. We cannot get anywhere
when we carry this type of an emotional infection. We must fill our lives with people who are confident, supportive,
happy, optimistic, realistic, hardworking and motivated.
This type of energy propels our movement forward.

6. Grit.
Success is always about persistence, determination and the stubbornness to never give up. Setbacks and rejections are a part of any great endeavor, so we must stay driven and optimistic. Rejections and setbacks are what help us explore,
grow, solve our problems and increase our knowledge to do better going forward. When we have a winning attitude we
see that failures are opportunities, not insurmountable problems. They are springboards to further success
and direct us to the places where we need growth and reinvention.

7. Believe in yourself.
We have to focus on developing and working on our unique strengths in order to develop a strong belief in ourselves.
We have to step outside of what is familiar for the sole purpose of increasing our self-knowledge and personal development. There is not a perfect person out there, so we must remain humble and inspired to work on improving our shortcomings, while not punishing ourselves over them. We can learn ways to work with them, such as delegating out, rather than letting these aspects of ourselves bring us down
down. We have to faith in who we are.

8. Be inspired.
Read. All the great successes read. It’s amazing the type of inspiration that can come from reading about other inspiring people. We must spend our time with people who inspire us, and model what they do in their lives in our own
lives. Inspiration can be found from family members and loved ones. It is important to look for relationships which
inspire us to be better; seek out coaches, therapists and teachers. We can also find a deep sense of inspiration through helping and serving others.

9. Good health.
Being in excellent physical condition generates a tremendous amount of positive energy. We are a physical,
emotional, mental and spiritual being. If our physical body is not healthy it directly decreases our emotional, mental
and spiritual health. When we are physically active our bodies produce the feel good chemicals which effectively
medicate stress, anger or despair. For this reason we need to take care of our basic physical needs, not just because it is
the source of true wealth, but because it generates us to carry a positive vibe about us.

10. Social support.
We live up or down to the expectations and/or beliefs others hold of us. Those people who express their belief and faith
in us, our purpose and our agenda in this world serve to deeply motivate us to continue on our mission with a sense
of purpose and passion. The faith and belief to come from others, whether that be our manager, our family, friends,
our coach, or those we manage serve to keep us on our toes and move us deeply into our personal commitment to our
The stronger we gear our thoughts and actions towards success, the more quickly we develop it. It isn’t about pretending bad times don’t exist. It is about focusing our
minds on the opportunities which can come from our bad days. When we have an unshakable belief in ourselves
we posses a deep knowing that we have what it takes to overcome and continue to achieve. Once we achieve consistent positive beliefs in ourselves, our potential
exponentially increase. We learn that obstacles are the experiences we need to further train ourselves to grow, remain flexible and move forward with a deeper sense of knowledge. Winston Churchill said, “ The pessimist sees
difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the
opportunity in every difficulty.”

Passion and Reason

“If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.”
—Benjamin Franklin

What a thing.
It’s that adrenaline pump that wakes you up in the middle of the night with a vast idea -- one that will be the next (insert
something big here). But here’s the catch: Passion also causes insomnia. It overrides your saner instincts. It is fully absorbing. Passion is chocolate cake: You can’t subsist on it alone. You have to know when to give passion a break.
You have to know when reason should step in.
I admit: I’m not very good at toggling between the two. I’m mostly stuck on passion -- speeding my motorcycle down a winding road, traveling until I’m run ragged, staying in an industry I adore (print magazines!) even as the rest of the
world tells me I’m nuts. As an entrepreneur, I know you’re with me: You, too, struggle to balance passion with reason.
After all, passion is what got you this far. Now we both have to figure out how to let our saner instincts in, too.
Passion slams the gas; reason steers us safely. Passion throws us out of an airplane; reason pulls the parachute
cord. Passion made you launch a business; reason, I suspect, made you pick up this magazine. And in this issue, you’ll find people attempting this balance in real time -- people who are fueled by their passions, who took gigantic risks
and now are making it work.

We do this issue every year. Truth be told, I cringe at our annual title: “Young Millionaires.” I love celebrating people
for their passions, and so the focus on money just feels...tacky. But you know what? It’s OK. It’s a catchy
phrase. (See how I’m embracing reason?) And these young entrepreneurs’ financial strength is only emblematic of their
larger success: They have passion and reason. The perfect package.

You’ll meet Connor Franta , a kid who quit college to pursue the insane dream of being a YouTube star and is now
plotting an even bigger move.
There’s David Choi, who poured all his money into a taco truck, and Tara Reed , who built an app without knowing how to code. And there’s more! The collective horsepower of the next generation of
entrepreneurs is always fascinating, and I know you’ll take inspiration no matter what age you are.
But we don’t want to forget the lessons only a seasoned and veteran entrepreneur can tell, which is why we also visit with Roxanne Thurman, the 66-year-old proprietress of Cry Baby Ranch , an iconic cowboy store in downtown Denver.
Her wisdom is not only ageless; it’s priceless.
Be inspired . Stay up late planning and plotting. And then, please, get some sleep. You need to be fresh tomorrow.

Friday, 10 June 2016


Proverbs  24:30 I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding;  24:31 And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down.  24:33 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:  24:34 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man.

Nothing changes until we change it.
Nothing works until we work them.
Until a force is applied, an object will remain and continue if in motion in it's current position.
Many lives has been overtaken with thorns and nettles because of irresponsibility.
Many destinies has been broken down because of irresponsibility.
Many have left their field and vineyard unattended to.
Things slips away from the hands of sleepers.
To love sleep is to become like slippers- slippery. unstable and without fiction.
To fold your hands and do nothing is to be folded away in life.
Change is constant: Yes! but even change itself cannot change change. It must be anticipated for.
To lie down and resign to fate  a man had said, is madness.
And  like it's said, "only a madman can go to sleep with his roof on fire".
When the mountain is on fire, is not time to relax, is not time to sleep, is not time to accuse and blame, is not time to fold hands and complain and become confused. Is time to act. It's time to run.
To see a Lion coming and wait to see if she will eat you up is foolishness raise to power two because you won't live to tell the story.
Responsibility is the price for greatness.

How have you kept your vineyard and field?
That business, that office, that job, that idea, that dream, that marriage have you kept it. Have you allow thorns and nettles to overtake them.
Are you relax, waiting upon time or you are working with time?
Are you believing and hoping on God or are you accepting and sharing responsibility with God in accordance to His word?
Are you blaming the economy, the government and everyone around you or you are finding out ways and means to make it better so your economy and country can be better?
Wake up Nigerians. Wake up
Wake up great giant of Africa and lets roar and conquer.

If you don't make it work, who else will?
Lets arise and respond to the abilities God has deposited in us and we will experience the great manifestation of His power and grace.